Give someone you know the chance to grow!

At Greet n' Grow, we give new meaning to the classic "pop-up card" as real life plants and flowers pop to life from your card. More than that, when you gift a greet n' grow card, you are giving much more than a thoughtful gesture and meaningful note. You are giving flowers to the bees, food for a family, and a gift that keeps on giving!

Our cards are made with 100% post-consumer material and non-GMO, non-invasive seeds

Explore Birthday Cards

happy birthday corgi card

Plantable Seed Birthday Cards

Discover our collection of environmentally friendly birthday cards with seeds to plant....

Birth Month Flowers Seed Cards

Birth Month Flowers Seed Cards

Our birth month flowers offer a fantastic collection of aesthetic birthday cards...

bee birthday card

Punny Birthday Cards

Birthday's are a time of happiness and smiles - what better way...