Seed Types

At greet n' grow we offer a variety of different seed options to choose from:

  1. Wildflower blend
  2. Basil
  3. Dill
  4. Parsley - Coming Soon!
  5. Carrot
  6. Lettuce




Plant Wildflower Cards

For more detailed steps on how to plant your seed paper, see our wildflower specific guide

Wildflower Guide


Plant Basil Cards

For more detailed steps on how to plant and manage your basil seed paper card, see the specific guide

Basil Guide


Plant Dill Cards

For a more detailed guide on how to plant a seed card with dill seeds

Dill Guide


Plant Your Parsley Seeds

Take a look at our parsley specific guide for more detailed steps on how to plant and maintain your parsley plant

Parsley Guide


Plant Lettuce Seed Cards

See our detailed lettuce guide for more information on how to plant your seed card

Lettuce Guide


Plant Your Carrot Seeds

For our carrot specific guide on how to plant and manage your carrots, see our specific guide

Carrot Guide